MARCH 21, 2019
Interview: Melissa Evans

We interviewed Melissa Evans, the woman behind Lolleez® and Tumeez™ organic kid’s remedies. Oh also, mom of 4, fitness instructor, friend of many and inspiration to all.

Hi Melissa! Tell the people what you do
When did you know you had to start your business?
The moment I knew I had to start my business, was the moment the idea came to mind. My daughter wasn’t feeling well, fever, sore throat…what we learned was strep and pneumonia. I wanted to give her a cough drop, but most are made with artificial flavors and colors and come in the shape of a hard ball. Red flag…choking hazard. I simply thought how great it would be to have a cough drop in the form of a lollipop. Once this simple solution entered my mind, I knew I had to explore making it.
What’s your super power and how does it help you?
I guess my super power would be my passion and love for kids. My own and the stories that other parents share about their experience with Lolleez® and Tumeez™ inspires and motivates me to keep working hard. Someone asked me today when I was young, what did I want to be when I grew up. The simple and most honest answer was, a mom. I am very grateful to have this opportunity to create products that help makes mom’s life a little easier.

What’s the most challenging thing about what you do?
I think as moms we try and do it all, and I’ve had to learn what to prioritize on the days I just can’t do it all (sorry laundry). Time with the kids is always first and foremost. They are growing up so fast and I want to make sure I soak up every minute with them. I’m lucky in the sense that Momeez™ Choice is a family business so the kids have been a huge part of the process. I remember when we just started out and were trying to think of a brand name, the kids posted sticky notes all over our house with their ideas. I’m still not sure what they enjoyed more, thinking of names or having a sticky note free for all. When I have my Founder hat on, I’ve had to let go of the “mom guilt” and learn it’s okay to make time for the business and myself. Still a struggle, but I’m working on it. One of the greatest gifts is that the kids have seen what hard work and passion can accomplish, and that includes being a mom and a Founder.
What does a great day look like for you?
A great day for me is time outside with family and friends. Sitting around with the people I love the most and just enjoying the moment. Plus a goodnights sleep, those can be rare, but when I have one I feel great.
You’re a mom of 4 and a business owner, how do you recharge to keep it all going?
To recharge on a day to day I make sure to give myself at least 10 minutes a day to completely check out from everything. Working out, going for runs, even sitting quietly in my living room help me get the recharge I need. I also like to blast music when I’m in the car alone. Really anything that can keep my mind from running through all the “need to do’s.”